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Showing posts with the label non-surgical

The Result Of These Can Be Severe For Your Spine

Last week I made a visit to some of the best spine centers in Delhi and few crumbling spine treatment hospitals . The reason was pretty clear; I wanted to know the reason behind the growing spine problems and how far the lifestyle is affecting it. There luckily I met the best spine doctor in Delhi and further to my fortune, he had the time to answer all my queries. So without any delay I started shooting my questions linked with the lifestyle, its impacts and also about the non-surgical treatment for joint pain and treatment for crumbling spine . After a long conversation and the accumulating his answers and theories, I came to a conclusion, and that’s, yes it’s we who invite these problems. It isn’t like we do that intentional but believe me it isn’t also unknowingly. The reason behind the entire mess is our reluctant attitude, which is the result of our dependence on comfortable lifestyle and simultaneously the busy schedule that comes with our ‘money hunger’. Le...

Preparing in Advance for Post-Surgical Back Pain

“You will need a surgery”, can send a shiver down your soul. Your mind will automatically be flooded with questions about the seriousness of the condition, the surgery and the chances that you will be 100% cured post surgery. Then there is also a chance of post-surgical pain and how bad it can be. The problem which is most likely to arise is that some sort of pain is inevitable after surgery. It is always a great idea to maintain a good channel of communication post surgery, with your spine specialist, so as to keep the pain under control. Pre- Surgery Care The best time to talk about pain management is before the surgery and not after it. Here are some of the essential points you should discuss with the spine specialist before stepping into the operation theater.  Tell your specialist about all the medicines and supplements you are already taking, so as to avoid and dangerous drug interactions. Even though every surgery involves a certain type and level ...