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What Is A Volvulus And What Are Its Symptoms?

  Introduction Gastroenterologists in Gurgaon define volvulus as an abnormal twisting of a part of the large or small intestine. This twisting may lead to a bowel obstruction, which can cause severe complications. A volvulus is a medical emergency and must be dealt with immediately. Volvulus can occur in the small intestine as well, but usually occurs in infants and children. In adults, volvulus of the small intestine is rare.In adults, volvulus tends to occur in the colon and is known as a sigmoid volvulus. Symptoms Experts at the best hospital for gastroenterology (a super-speciality hospital in Gurgaon ), explain that the symptoms of volvulus appear suddenly and severely, so people usually go straight to the emergency room for prompt evaluation. Symptoms include: Abdominal pain and tenderness Vomiting green bile Nausea Distended abdomen Bloody stool Constipation Shock Infants with volvulus may also exhibit additional signs and symptoms, including: Sud

Chakras – What Are They and How Are They Important?

  Chakras are basically energy centres in the human body along the spine, each associated with and governing various organs of the body in that region. They are seven in total, each with its own name and colour as well as vibration. Our thoughts and emotions can impact the chakras, and can open or block them, which can have an impact on how we think or feel. There are chakra cleansing healing centres where you can learn to use the power of chakras, towardsa life more perfect than you can imagine. There is a chakra cleansing centre in Noida you can visit, and begin your journey to cleansing your life inside out. Here are the seven chakras in our body as well as their functions and importance: Root chakra or ‘Muladhara’: This chakra is red in colour, located at the base of the spine. It is where you get your sense of belonging in this world. It is your foundation or Muladhara . When this chakra is open you feel stable, safe, secure and fearless. But financial stress, worry

Bariatric Surgery in India – What Is The Pre-Surgery and Post-Surgery Diet?

Questions about diet are the most common in patients opting for bariatric weight loss surgery . Bariatric surgeons, however, provide their patients with proper diet charts based in the type of surgery and the individual’s health and lifestyle. Each plan is thus unique. Having said that, most pre-surgery and post-surgery bariatric diets follow a similar guidelines. This article will outline as to what you can expect from these diets.      Pre-surgery diet The pre-surgery diet is typically high in protein and low in carbohydrates. The function of this diet is to promote healing and help reduce the amount of fat in and around the individual’s liver and abdomen. Losing weight before surgery keeps an individual safe during the procedure, while also training the individual for the post-surgery diet.   Post-surgery diet The post surgery diet consists of stages, each one having its own set of diet variables. The gastroenterologist or dietician involved in the individual

Is Social Anxiety Disorder a Real Thing?

Social anxiety disorder also known as social phobia is very much a real thing.It is a psychiatric disorder, and is very different from being shy or being an introvert. Social anxiety disorder or SAD, is an intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation. People with SAD worry about acting or appearing visibly anxious, for example, stumbling over words, or being viewed as stupid or awkward or boring. As a result, they often avoid social or performance situations, and when a situation cannot be avoided, they experience significant anxiety and distress. This is again, different from your usual feeling of shame or distress at being awkward, people with SAD experience strong physical symptoms, such as a rapid heart rate, nausea, and sweating, and may experience full-blown attacks when confronting a feared situation. People suffering from SAD recognize their fear as excessive and irrational, but often feel

Stress and Cervical Cancer – What’s the connection?

Stress has been known to aggravate illnesses since a long time. It is the same with many types of cancers, including cervical cancer and breast cancer . A study by a reputed medical association says that women who experience high levels of stress long term may be undermining their ability to fight off common STDs and be at increased risk of developing cervical cancer. HPV, or human papilloma virus has been known as a risk factor for cervical cancer in women, although it is not the causal agent. In most cases, HPV infection in healthy women will vanish suddenly over time, however, a small proportion of infected women will progress to having precancerous cervical lesions or even cancer, so the virus’ connection to cancer cannot be denied either.  Stress can trigger changes in immune functioning that make it more difficult for the body to get rid of the virus, the study suggests. The study looked at potential links between stress and immune response, and found that the oc